Ta kawa ma smak którego szukasz
Naukowcy z Uniwersytetu w Detroit odkryli, że regularne picie kawy zmniejsza ryzyko zachorowania na raka. Badania pokazały, że u osób, które piły nawet 6 filiżanek dziennie ryzyko zachorowania spadało nawet o 35 proc. Zaś u osób, które piły dwie, trzy filiżanki kawy na dzień o 12 proc. Nie pozostaje nam więc nic innego jak zaakceptować wszystkie dobrodziejstwa kawy. Jakiś czas temu pisaliśmy o innych odkryciach dotyczących kofeiny… i także raka. Otóż okazało się, że ćwiczenia fizyczne poprzedzone kawą mogą nas uchronić przed rakiem skóry.
The history of coffee goes at least as far back as the thirteenth century, though coffee’s origin remains unclear. It has been believed that Ethiopian ancestors of today’s Oromo people were the first to discover and recognize the energizing effect of the coffee bean plant. However, no direct evidence has been found indicating where in Africa coffee grew or who among the natives might have used it, or even known about it, earlier than the 17th century. The story of Kaldi, the 9th-century Ethiopian goatherd who discovered coffee, did not appear in writing until 1671 AD and is probably apocryphal. From Ethiopia, coffee was said to have spread to Egypt and Yemen. The earliest credible evidence of either coffee drinking or knowledge of the coffee tree appears in the middle of the fifteenth century, in the Sufi monasteries of Yemen. It was in Arabia that coffee beans were first roasted and brewed, similar to modern preparation. By the 16th century, it had reached the rest of the Middle East, Persia, Turkey, and northern Africa. Coffee then spread to Italy, and to the rest of Europe, to Indonesia, and to the Americas
The tasty secret of the cacao (kah KOW) tree was discovered 2,000 years ago in the tropical rainforests of the Americas. The pods of this tree contain seeds that can be processed into chocolate. The story of how chocolate grew from a local Mesoamerican beverage into a global sweet encompasses many cultures and continents. The first people known to have made chocolate were the ancient cultures of Mexico and Central America. These people, including the Maya and Aztec, mixed ground cacao seeds with various seasonings to make a spicy, frothy drink. Later, the Spanish conquistadors brought the seeds back home to Spain, where new recipes were created. Eventually, and the drink’s popularity spread throughout Europe. Since then, new technologies and innovations have changed the texture and taste of chocolate, but it still remains one of the world’s favorite flavors.